You can SIGN UP for free with your mobile number. We also provide registration via Facebook, Apple ID, or Google account. Once an account has been created, you may not merge or combine any accounts.

Sign up with a Phone Number

A mobile number account can be logged in and used across our supported devices.

1. Go to CATCHPLAY+ App or the official website to SIGN UP 

2. Choose Mobile Number

3. Fill in a local mobile number without the country code

4. Click GET VERIFICATION CODE and a code will be sent via SMS
If you did not receive the SMS OTP, please refer to the FAQ【Why I didn’t receive SMS OTP?】for your reference

5. Enter the code and start watching

Sign up with Facebook

We support the use of Facebook accounts across our compatible devices.

1. Go to CATCHPLAY+ App or the official website to SIGN UP

2. Choose to Continue with Facebook

3. A Facebook login pop-up will appear

4. Once confirmed, you can start watching

Reminder: Devices with big screens do not support Facebook registration (e.g. Smart TV or STB).

Sign up with Apple ID

Our Sign-in with Apple feature is only available on Apple devices (iOS & tvOS that are newer than iOS 14) and on our official website.

1. Go to CATCHPLAY+ App or the official website to SIGN UP

2. Choose to Continue with Apple

3. Sign up with your Apple ID (Apple will generate a private email address for you if you decide to not share your personal information with us)

4. Once confirmed, you can start watching

Accounts registered through an Apple ID can't be used to log-in on non iOS/tvOS devices. If you have any inquiries or need further assistance, reach out to us through the [ CONTACT US ] button below.

Sign up with Google Account

Sign-up with Google is a login method that is available on a variety of devices (Except LG TV, SAMSUNG TV, and tvOS)

1. Go to CATCHPLAY+ App or the official website to SIGN UP

2. Select Continue with Google

3. Select a Google account for registration

4. Once confirmed, you can start watching